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About Studioguelfi

We are a Real Estate Agency which puts the customers’ interests above its own, giving an accurate service of real estate brokerage for a clear, honest and safe sale or tenancy.

We operate in Tuscany and particularly in the area of the province of Pistoia and in Valdinievole monitoring the market looking for the best opportunities.

Why We Are Different?

We have got high level competence in solving every financial, contractual or normative issues concerning sales and tenancy of properties.

Our Challenge

We want to make the acquisition of a property an easy transaction to live without stress, with the greatest satisfaction of the buyer and the seller.

Business Information

If you want to buy/sell/rent a property you can contact at the address below:


StudioGuelfi Immobiliare – Real Estate Agency 

Registered in the list of the estate realtors c/o the C.C.I.A.A. of Pistoia n. 1279

Via G. Matteotti,1 51013 Chiesina Uzzanese (PT), Tuscany – Italy -

Working hours:  Lun – Ven: 9.30 – 19.30

Tel. Mobile: +39 3936182600



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